The training course for Veterinary Technicians provided by ABIVET Società Benefit arl provides an appropriate professional qualification for those who, although not veterinary surgeons, deal with the welfare and health of animals.
At the end of the training course, those enrolled in the course will possess specific requirements regarding the handling and restraint of animals, nursing care, surgical assistance and all the activities and technologies connected to the veterinary profession. They will also have administrative, triage and client management skills.
The Quality Policy, limited to the training course for Veterinary Technicians, aims to provide a high quality training course for veterinary technicians thanks to the in-depth analysis of the needs of the veterinary sector and to an analytical and precise planning and to provide students with means to be able to be qualified and competitive in the world of work through the continuous search for affiliated structures in which to carry out periods of practical activity.
The demand for veterinary technicians in our country is constantly increasing and employment prospects are very good.
– The quality policy is posted in places of interest frequented by medical and paramedical staff and students. With the aim of implementing and making collaborators aware, ABIVET Società Benefit arl organizes awareness meetings to better understand the importance of compliance of activities with the Policy and corporate Objectives, the impact of each on corporate activities and the consequences of conduct that does not comply with internal regulations.