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We often hear talk of Veterinary Assistant or Veterinary Nurse, but in Italy the only recognized figure is the Veterinary Technician.
Being recognized means that this figure is trained following the indications of the Reference Practice UNI (Italian Standardization Body) PdR 45/2018, which defines the requirements relating to the Veterinary Technician, identifying the activities, responsibilities and related knowledge, skills and competences, defined on the basis of the criteria of the European Qualifications Framework.
In the provision of medical-surgical services, in the organization of the Veterinary Structure and in the management of the relationship with the customer, who entrusts his animal to the Veterinary Doctor, the Veterinary Technician is a worker able to assist the Veterinary Doctor himself, according to his instructions, implementing the organizational guidelines relating to the general performance of the structure, assisting him in his professional activity.
The Veterinary Technician is part of the CCNL (National Collective Labor Agreement) signed by Confprofessioni with the Ministry of Labor which regulates the legal and economic treatment of employees of professional studios.
800 hours of practical training
to be carried out
Over 1500 hours of training
at your disposal
ABIVET has been active for over 20 years in the training of Veterinary Technicians and is the only Training Institution in Italy with not only Italian but also European recognitions. All our certifications are carefully checked by international certification bodies, which independently evaluate their correctness and quality. CEPAS and RINA are the international quality management companies that certify ABIVET according to the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standards. Obviously, we are the only ones to have been approved by ANMVI, the National Association of Italian Veterinary Physicians, to be recognized by ACOVENE, the Accreditation Committee for the education of Veterinary Technicians within the European Union.
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